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Warning - Don't Fall for Email Scammers

Surprised Business Woman

It has come upon our attention that our business name (like the business names of many other legitimate businesses) has recently been used by email scammers/spammers/misfits trying to do what they do. Please be advised of the following:

  • We are NOT embroiled in litigation with a company overseas.
  • This business is NOT for sale, in whole or in part.
  • We do NOT send out checks to vendors, companies, clients, lawyers, etc, willy nilly.

Our real clients have good things to say about us, and we are proud of that! We have a real phone number, if you want to call and reach a real person.

The internet is awesome. It's where we build cool websites! But it also comes with its fair share of folks who will try to trick innocent parties. As with any business transaction, do your due diligence and take caution regarding who you work with!